Sysmex Europe

Sysmex Cellspotting

Test your cell morphology know-how with our cellspotting quiz

Assign the concepts mentioned to the cell image and go for the high score. Have fun, and feel free to share your results and tag us on social media!

Goal: Be the fastest to find the corresponding illustration for the given definition.

  • 20 points for each correct answer
  • Three attempts per image
  • Earn a place on the highscore list


This one should be easy, right? Try and guess as many correct cells out of 6 options within 90 seconds.


Choose this level if you know the basics, but are looking for a challenge. Pick as many correct cells out of 9 options within 90 seconds.


Proceed with caution: this level is tricky! Challenge yourself to pick as many correct cells out of 12 options within 90 seconds.


HIGHSCORE 10 Players
Position Player Points
1 Thessa V. 420
2 Player #1713920255 400
3 Player #1714083773 380
4 Player #1713509351 380
5 tv 380
6 Player #1714084187 380
7 tv 380
8 tv 360
9 Player #1714083624 360
10 Player #1714076322 360


HIGHSCORE 10 Players
Position Player Points
1 tv 360
2 Thessa 360
3 thessa v 360
4 Thessa 360
5 tv 340
6 Player #1714083049 340
7 Player #1713361799 340
8 Player #1714080806 340
9 Player #1714082884 340
10 Player #1714081040 340


HIGHSCORE 10 Players
Position Player Points
1 Player #1713361895 340
2 Player #1713421225 320
3 Nati 320
4 Player #1713251220 320
5 Player #1714059405 320
6 Player #1713386594 300
7 Player 43930 300
8 Player #1713421330 300
9 Player #1713250909 300
10 Player #1713369614 280
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